Get Fit and Fabulous: The Best Gym Workouts for Losing Weight

Sweat it out: The Ultimate Workout Program for Weight Loss!

It is necessary to do fitness in order to shed few kilos of your weight.

Exercising at the gym is a great way to go, given the fact that there are many tangible and intangible advantages derived when you pay a visit to a gym.

One benefit among others is the versatility of machines that you can utilize.

Furthermore, you are provided with an enormous support of your fitness mates.

One of the important advantages of exercising for weight loss is it increases your metabolism as you are burning calories exercising. This will lead to lose weight over time and also using more calories even when your resting. Another benefit is it increases your lean muscle mass and also you will lose more calories.

Additionally, working out in a gym provides more benefits than working out at home or outside. Among the things you can do at a gym is use a variety of equipment like treadmills, stationary bikes and weight machines that help you to have different workouts for various parts of your body, as well as classes and personal trainers that help you to lose weight.

Cardio Workouts: The Best Exercises for Burning Calories

​No weight loss program is complete without cardiovascular exercises or cardio for short. Cardio workout help to get your heart rate going and therefore, ideal for burning calories. Coming to different cardio exercises proper, you have tons of it to include in your workouts at the gym.

One of the most popular cardio exercises is working out on the treadmill by running or jogging while maintaining a constant pulse rate. It is a great high-impact workout to burn a substantial amount of calories. If running is not for you, you could also choose another high-to-low impact cardio workout like the elliptical machine or the stationary bike.

Another good cardio is jumping rope. It is very easy to do and you can do it anywhere with, let us say, only rope and a little space. You don’t need much and it is challenging. Jumping rope is one of the best cardio because it burns fat and helps to raise the cardiovascular endurance, but you also improve coordination. Other examples of good cardio according to me are swimming, rowing, and dancing.

Strength Training: How Lifting Weights Helps You Lose Weight

Secondly, strength training should be a component of your transformation because it’s a key aspect of a long-lasting weight loss. While cardio – where you burn tons of calories during the actual workout – is a great tool to use in your fat-loss arsenal, strength training is even better because it will help you build lean muscle mass, which will increase your metabolism, so you burn more calories, even at a resting state.

Weight lifting is one of the most effective ways to engage in strength training when working out at the gym. Being defined as exercises that stress the muscles to build strength or size, weightlifting is one type of weighted training.
Squats, deadlifts, bench presses and bicep curls are just a few examples of weightlifting exercises that focus on specific muscle groups and allow for an increase in muscle strength and tone.

They can be supplemented with other forms of strength training alongside free weights or bodyweight exercises, such as resistance bands, which is fine: they’re just as valid for building strength, toning muscles and improving overall muscular fitness. Examples of bodyweight exercises include push-ups, lunges, planks and tricep dips that you can do at the gym.

HIIT Workouts: The Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training

The high-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is the popular workout method which consists of a cycle of repeated bursts of intense activity followed by a period of rest or light exercise activity. Taking less time, HIIT workouts allow you to burn more calories compared to conventional routine exercises. HIIT is considered an effective method for losing weight.

One of the most important reasons why HIIT workouts are great for losing weight is their ability to boost your metabolism after your workout is over. This is due to a process called the afterburn effect. To build on our earlier metaphor, once all the engine parts are put back together, the engine continues heating up for a long time. So, if HIIT workouts are more calorie intensive than LISS workouts, then, for the same time duration, HIIT workouts need more calories for energy. Thus, our body will use up more calories by doing HIIT workouts.

Exercises such as burpees, mountain climbers, high knees, jumping jacks and others could be used in conjunction with your gym workouts to help up your game. You could also do HIIT exercises in the form of a circuit workout, where you perform each exercise for a given amount of time, before moving on to the next exercise. There’s hardly any or no rest needed in between exercises.

Circuit Training: The Perfect Combination of Cardio and Strength Training

Circuit training is the combination of cardio and strength exercises during one set of workout. You basically perform a series of different exercises to simulate an efficient workout for the whole body. An example would be performing exercises like running, push-ups, weight-lifting, sit-ups and cycling one after the other, alternating each exercise with a little to no rest in between them.
The advantages of circuit training for weight loss are numerous as it increases your heart rate and helps you burn calories for faster results while building on the lean muscle mass.

The biggest advantage of circuit training for weight loss is that it burns more calories across a total body workout, while simultaneously training multiple muscle groups at once. Circuit training will improve overall cardio fitness which are two vitally important aspects of weight loss training at the same time. Another advantage of circuit training to keep in mind is the fact that it’s easily scalable to your ability level by simply increasing or decreasing the intensity or duration of each exercise.

Some examples of circuit training exercises that you can insert into your gym workouts include squat jumps, push-ups, lunges, planks, and kettlebell swings. Another idea is to insert any cardio exercise in between the strength exercises to increase the overall intensity of the workout. For example, try doing a set of squat jumps, followed by a set of jumping jacks or high knees, then another set of squat jumps.

Boxing Workouts: The Ultimate Total-Body Workout for Weight Loss

One reason for these workouts’ rising popularity over the past decade is that it’s easy to make a boxing workout fun and engaging while also providing a full-body workout. Boxing combines cardio and strength work, and it’s a great way to lose weight, build up lean muscle mass and increase your overall fitness level.

Burning calories improving cardiovascular endurance, growing muscle mass are one of the great benefits of boxing this exercise is a great way to lose weight quickly. Along with the improved cardiovascular endurance which ultimately leads to you shedding pounds by way of getting your heart rate up and involved in boxing workout for weight loss since boxing is intense from head to toe it typically required to use more muscles at the same time.

But boxing workouts also burn off calories, build strength and muscle tone. Workouts that focus on punching and kicking build up strength in the core, upper body and lower body muscles.

Sample boxing exercises you can do at the gym might include a punch combination on a heavy bag, or speed bag, shadowboxing, jumping rope, or boxing-inspired cardio moves such as burpees or mountain climbers.

Yoga Workouts: The Mind-Body Connection for Weight Loss

And all these benefits are possible because the Yoga is all about a mind-body and also because it is less intense as a routing and focuses on bringing harmony between your body, mind and spirit. So you can well say that the best exercise for weight loss is Yoga.

One of the most well-known benefits of yoga for weight loss is that it can cut stress. With limited or no stress, you will lose more weight. Stress increases cortisol levels in the human body. This, in turn, improves the appetite and increases a craving for oily fast foods. Regular yoga practice can make you less stressed.

But yoga is a wonderful way to achieve these goals; a bonus is that yoga improves your flexibility, balance, and core strength. Many yoga poses require you to use your core muscles actively and keep your balance. These skills and poses will strengthen your abdominal muscles so you can stably lift and carry heavy objects – which will prevent lower back injuries. Yoga poses also stretch and lengthen the muscles, which improves flexibility.

For example, sun salutations, warrior poses, tree pose and downward-facing dog are all yoga exercises that can be incorporated into your gym workout, or you can take a yoga class at your gym or do a yoga video/app.

Pilates Workouts: The Low-Impact Workout for Toning and Weight Loss

Pilates is exercise system, focusing on core strength, flexibility and balance and better body posture. Although the type of workout does not provide as intense a workout than others, you can still enjoy weight loss as a result.

Improving muscle tone and definition is one of the major effects of Pilates for weight loss. Pilates will help you tone every inch of your body. Since Pilates exercises involve your deep core muscles as well as your muscles of the arms, legs, and back, practicing it on a regular basis will help you build lean muscle mass, which in turn can rev up your engine to burn more calories on an ongoing basis during the day.

Pilates, however, is also a great workout for your posture and the overall alignment of the body. A lot of the Pilates exercises are geared towards working on your posture and the alignment of your body. It is said that you can try to create the illusion of long and lean by fine-tuning your posture, and working on your form will reduce the chances of damaging your own body.

Some specific Pilates moves include the hundred, roll-ups, leg circles and planks. You can also try a Pilates class at the gym, or fit some Pilates into your gym days by following an app, DVD or video.

Spin Classes: The Fun and Effective Way to Burn Calories and Lose Weight

Spin classes have become increasingly popular in the recent times. These workout sessions are very fun and provide a great workout that will burn a lot of calories. Spin classes are great. They involve cycling on spinning bikes in a group setting. The instructor of the class conducts each class. There are normally different intervals involved where the resistance levels will change.

The main advantage of going to a spin class is the fact that the workout is really high-intensity cardio that can expedite your heart rate and therefore overall burn more calories. Rapid cycling, resistance training and interval training can only maximize your calorie burn and develop your cardiovascular fitness.

Spin classes too offer that encouragement and motivation. Exercising in groups helps hold you accountable to your workout as well as provides encouragement and inspiration to keep you going, or make you work harder. Having music and an enthusiastic leader adds to the fun of the spin class as well.

Example exercises include a sprint, hill climb or interval of high resistance. The instructor will walk you through the route and encourage you along, with verbal cues on what resistance and speed to choose for your bike.

Swimming Workouts: The Low-Impact Cardio Workout for Weight Loss

Swimming is a cardio and high aerobic activity that requires you to to use your arms, legs and your core muscles which gives a complete body workout while you burning more calories.

The primary benefit of swimming for weight loss is that it’s easy on the joints, and therefore low-impact. This is of particular benefit for people who have joint pain or injury, and can’t run or jump.

Swimming greatly increases cardiovascular fitness and stamina as well, since water offers movement resistance that is more difficult than air and pushes your heart rate higher than usual. Furthermore, swimming promotes muscle tone and flexibility.

Some of the swimming exercises you should try for gym include freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. Usage of interval training in the swimming gym workouts is also recommended where you’ll alternate between various strokes or may increase the pace or distance of each lap.

When it comes to picking a workout for weight loss at a gym, what really matters is whether or not you enjoy that type of activity. I happen to enjoy high-intensity activities and want to maximise calorie burn, so I tend to go with HIIT or spin classes. If I wanted to work at a lower level and build muscle and tone, I know I would enjoy Pilates or swimming.

It’s important to listen to your body as well. If it ever tells you that you’re tired, you need a break or a rest day, please listen and take the break. You don’t want to overtrain and risk injury or even burnout, so listen to your body and understand when it needs more rest.

Overall, losing weight isn’t hard if you are willing to put in the work and check out some gym workouts. Whatever your preferred goal is whether cardio, strength training, HIIT workouts, circuit training, boxing, yoga, Pilates, spin class or swimming, gym workouts will get you toward your weight loss goal. Find what workout you like, will challenge you and is appropriate for you of all levels and abilities, and be fit!

Written by Danielle LaFaver

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Danielle LaFaver is a Trending, Lifestyle and Entertainment Writer and Photographer at Scrape Salad who focuses on Life Blogging, Beauty, and Fashion. She is currently working with Lemon8.comFitness FlixxJeremy Lee LaFaverShein and other agencies.

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