Georgia May Brooke, of Ossett, died in Bradford Royal Infirmary in the early hours of Friday, February 4, 2022

A dancer was strangled to death during a sexual encounter before her ‘controlling’ boyfriend hung himself in a hotel room.

Georgia May Brooke, 26, from Ossett in West Yorkshire, died on Friday 4 February 2022 of neck injuries at Bradford Royal Infirmary.

Her boyfriend, Luke Cannon, was found dead later that day. He had apparently taken his own life. A coroner today ruled that Ms Brooke had been ‘unlawfully killed’.

The inquest recorded that Georgia had died from ‘manual strangulation’ and that she had taken the ‘club drug’ GHB and cocaine. At the inquest, Georgia’s mother, Samantha Beaumont, described daughter’s life and her achievements at the hearing in Bradford.

Samantha said her sister Georgia was ‘an excellent and dedicated dancer’ who had passed numerous exams and gained a scholarship to a highly regarded London performing arts school. She used to work as a dancer on Crete, and was looking forward to returning home to Greece when she died.

Georgia was a professional dancer

Georgia was a professional dancer 

Image: Georgia May Brooke/Facebook)

Samantha told the inquest via Yorkshire Live, ‘the family has been absolutely devastated.

The effect on my family has been enormous.

We are in despair, beyond the understanding of words.

Georgia is gone and there is a massive gap.’ Samantha also told me how she saw her daughter’s personality change in the months after she met Luke: ‘He used to be manic and hyperactive, then all of a sudden he became kind, supportive and relaxed; but Georgia went the other way, and became passive and submissive.

He was very controlling.’ After her death, Georgia’s mother, Samantha, said she was told her daughter had been ‘strangled during sex’ and that Luke had killed her.

Criminal lawyer Annabelle Williams represents a campaigning group called Sexpertech, which is seeking safer sex and relationship gadgets, and believes Georgia’s case is a tragedy.

The inquest was told that paramedics were called to a house in Thornbury, Bradford, where Georgia was found in cardiac arrest.

The inquest revealed that Georgia's death was caused by 'manual strangulation'

The inquest revealed that Georgia’s death was caused by ‘manual strangulation’ ( 

Image: Georgia May Brooke/Facebook)

Her boyfriend Luke told a paramedic they had taken booze and ‘G’: GHB, more commonly known as ‘sex drugs’.

At the Bradford Royal Infirmary, a doctor said Georgia had been ‘dead quite a while longer than the friend has said’.

A postmortem found purple ‘ligature marks’ around the neck.

A nurse who interviewed Luke in Bradford Royal Infirmary said he admitted they had been having sex while on GHB: ‘Just for the buzz, you know.’ She described him as ‘very agitated, like he was on cocaine’.

The nurse added that Luke had told her that Georgia had suddenly felt breathless before collapsing.

The enquiry heard that Luke had left via a fire exit and was discovered dead by hanging some distance away.

A friend wrote: ‘It was pure sex and drugs for her / and him.’ He said Georgia and Luke ‘would choke each other’. He called Luke ‘manipulative’, ‘a loud mouth and a ladies man’.

The court was told that, though some knew him as a property developer, one witness claimed he was a drug dealer. His landlord said that he had previously been a personal trainer and owned his own gym.

jeremy lee lafaver

Written by Jeremy Lee LaFaver

Jeremy Lee LaFaver is a trending, lifestyle and entertainment writer at Scrape Salad who focuses on content editing. He worked with, Fitness Flixx, Niche Nest Network, Shein and other agencies.

Written by Danielle LaFaver

danielle lafaver blog

Danielle LaFaver is a Trending, Lifestyle and Entertainment Writer and Photographer at Scrape Salad who focuses on Life Blogging, Beauty, and Fashion. She is currently working with Lemon8.comFitness FlixxJeremy Lee LaFaverShein and other agencies.

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