Easy Pool Workouts: 10 Step-by-Step Water Exercises

Easy Pool Workouts

Benefits of Water Workouts

Water workouts offer a unique blend of resistance and support, making them ideal for individuals across all fitness levels. The buoyancy of water relieves pressure from the joints, which can significantly reduce pain and improve recovery times for those with injuries. The natural resistance of water enhances muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness without the need for heavy equipment. This gentle yet effective form of exercise can burn calories and build strength while minimizing the risk of injury.

Why Pool Exercises Are Great for All Fitness Levels

Pool exercises are incredibly versatile, catering to everyone from beginners to seasoned athletes. For novices, the water environment reduces the fear of falling and injury, allowing them to build confidence in their movements.

Advanced individuals can amplify their workout intensity by incorporating tools like water weights or resistance bands. This adaptability makes pool exercises a fantastic choice for mixed-ability groups and family workouts, ensuring everyone can participate and benefit according to their personal fitness level.

10 Easy Water Workouts

Exercise 1: Water Walking

Begin your water workout journey with water walking, a simple yet effective exercise. Start in shallow water and walk from one end of the pool to the other. Focus on maintaining good posture and resist the urge to lean forward. Water’s resistance will enhance the workout intensity as you move against it.

Exercise 2: Pool Plank

The pool plank is an excellent way to engage your core without strain on your back. Use a pool noodle; place it under your arms while in deeper water, and hold your body straight like a plank. The water adds an element of instability that challenges your core even more intensely than traditional planking.

Exercise 3: Flutter Kicks

Hold onto the side of the pool or use a kickboard for support as you perform flutter kicks. These rapid, small kicks help build lower body strength and endurance. The resistance of the water means that even light kicks make for a substantial workout.

Exercise 4: Aqua Jogging

Aqua jogging is running through water at waist-deep or deeper. It greatly reduces stress on the body while providing the benefits of running. This exercise is especially beneficial for runners looking for high-intensity training without the impact.

Exercise 5: Pool Push-Ups

Use the pool edge to perform push-ups. The water decreases body weight, making it easier to lift yourself, yet the push against the water increases the workout intensity, targeting the upper body and core.

Exercise 6: Treading Water

Treading water not only helps to improve cardiovascular stamina but also works out the legs and core continuously as you keep yourself afloat. Increase the intensity by raising your hands out of the water.

Exercise 7: Leg Lifts

Stand by the pool side and perform leg lifts. The water provides resistance and helps improve balance and core strength as you work to stabilize your body against the motion of the water.

Exercise 8: Pool Noodle Ab Twist

Use a pool noodle for this fun and effective abdominal exercise. Sit on the noodle like a bicycle, and perform twists from side to side. This movement targets the obliques and helps with rotational strength.

Exercise 9: Water Aerobics

Incorporate different movements like arm circles, high knees, and jumping jacks while in waist-deep water. These movements, combined with the water’s resistance, provide a full-body aerobic workout that is both enjoyable and effective.

Exercise 10: Pool Side Lunge

This variation of lunges helps reduce the strain on joints while increasing the focus on the muscles of the legs and hips. Perform lunges towards the side of the pool for stability and increased resistance. Step-by-Step Instructions with Visuals and Videos


Water workouts provide a refreshing, low-impact, and fun way to exercise, suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. Whether you’re just beginning your fitness journey or you’re looking to mix up your routine, the exercises outlined in this guide offer a range of benefits. Remember to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have health concerns. Dive into your fitness journey with these easy water workouts and experience the joy of exercising in the pool!

Written by Danielle LaFaver

danielle lafaver blog

Danielle LaFaver is a Trending, Lifestyle and Entertainment Writer and Photographer at Scrape Salad who focuses on Life Blogging, Beauty, and Fashion. She is currently working with Lemon8.comFitness FlixxJeremy Lee LaFaverShein and other agencies.

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